It’s Good to be a Gorn

The Gorn are a reptilian race.  The average male Gorn is around 7 feet tall, and has a mass of about 475 kilos.  Their hide of is a tough, leathery quality that serves as a natural armor.  Their physical strength is even greater than appearances would suggest, as the Gorn possess a high percentage of muscle mass.  As impressive as the male Gorn is, the female is terrifying.  Averaging almost 8 feet in height and around 550 pounds, the females are the stronger of the Gorn sexes.  This has resulted in females making up the majority of Gorn marine units.  The Gorn are not quite as dexterous as humans, appearing almost sluggish, however, slow movement does not mean slow of wit; the Gorn are a highly intelligent race

Gorn But It’s Not Easy Being Green

The Gorn Confederation is located spin-ward of the United Federation of Planets along the galactic axis, and core-ward of the Romulans.  This positions the Confederation squarely between the galactic arms.  Having only a sparse region of space, the Gorn Confederation has few habitable systems.

The first race the Gorn met were the Romulans.  As the Romulans are also in a planet poor section of space, conflict ensued as both races competed for the few planets they could find.  The resulting wars were vicious and bloody.  To this day, the Gorn are in a constant state of conflict with the Romulans.

Because of this disastrous first contact, the Gorn understandably became a bit cautious of strangers.  As such, when a Federation colony was setup on a Gorn world, the Gorn response was immediate and aggressive.  Fearing yet another invader, the Gorn responded with decisive force.  A war between the Gorn and Federation followed, but it was soon discovered that the entire situation was merely an misunderstanding.  (The Federation did not know the Gorn existed, let alone that they laid claim to the planet in question.)

When the Federation and Gorn learned that both had suffered invasions from the Romulans, negotiations were opened and an alliance was soon struck.  Relations between the two have continued to improve.  To this day, the Gorn/Federation alliance is one of the few in known space that seems based on mutual trust and respect rather than political expediency


Here Comes the Cavalry

When the Romulans invaded the Federation during the General War, the Gorn quickly honored their treaty obligations and launched a counter-invasion.  The pacifist wing of the Gorn Government has been in power for many years, but the military has made the most of what it has been given.  The Gorn navy is small but it is well equipped.  Will they prove to be enough?  Now is your chance to find out

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Last Updated 3/21/2003